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Centrelink Articles

I have decided to start publishing Centrelink related articles that have appeared in the press and on the internet.
The main reasons I am doing this are:
  • It makes them much easier to find.
  • Many of these articles disappear from the public view when they are eventually archived.
  • Many companies charge a fee to, un-archive and access these files.
To find out exactly where each article came from click in the link imbedded in the title. This will open up a window and show the original article (unless it has been archived).

Since so many Centrelink related articles have been and will be published I do not have the time or inclination to find and publish them all. For this reason I have decided to limit the articles I am looking for to those directly related to the subjects of the pages within my web-site.

So, if you have any articles that you think may interest me please feel free to send them in, either by email or the Contact Form.